Instructions to the authors of papers

Aim and purpose of the journal 

Sport science is an International scientific journal. In the previous editions it has been related to the area of kinesiology, and from this issue it is open to the areas of education, development and new achievements that are not related exclusively to the area of kinesiology. It is published twice a year. 


General provisions 

Each paper is evaluated, so that it corresponds to the intention of the journal, and then reviewed.  The authors are responsible for the content and ethics of everything written in the paper. The authors can be requested to give a specific statement that the paper has not been published in another publication.  Sport Science does not question the authors’ copyright over the published papers, but preserves the right of distribution in accordance with the legal provisions, and without further consultation with the authors, with which the authors agree when submitting the paper. Authors are not entitled to re-release/reprint the paper, apart from a copy of the printed journal. It is necessary to include the name of the corresponding author, his e-mail address and the institutional e-mail address.


Preparation of attachments

It is recommended that the authors keep the structure of the journal that includes: the Abstract, Introduction, Problem and Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion and References. This recommendation does not bind the authors but helps ease the publishing process and understanding of the subject matter. The attachments are not limited in size, but should not exceed 7 pages in the journal. The text font is Verdana 9 pt, the titles in the text are in size 9 bold, with single line spacing and justified alignment, created in two columns.  The titles are in the text font Verdana, size 10, the authors’ names are in size 9 bold, the authors’ institutions in size 9 italic (University, Faculty and the country of origin).  The expected size of the paper is 12 000 (exceptionally 14 000) characters without tables and images.  All tables should be standardised (e.g. MS Excel) by the APA standard and adjusted to the column. The images, photographs and other illustrations should be in a vector format or a high quality printing resolution (600 dpi).  Before printing, the journal has the right to edit the illustration. In such instances, the author will be consulted or informed via e-mail.



The reference list, as well as other forms of text formatting, will be accepted if they are made in accordance with the APA standard (American Psychological Association) and translated into English with an indication of the original language in the brackets. The attachment is sent exclusively in electronic form (e-mail, CD, disc, etc.).


Delivery address for the attachments

Sport Science – Faculty of education 

University of Travnik

Aleja konzula No. 5, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Language used in the attachments 

Sport Science publishes papers in English with abstracts in Bosnian. In the event that the attachment is sent in its original form, in another international language, the author of the attachment will be consulted. 



Attachments that do not meet the requirements, or need to be consulted upon, will be immediately returned to the author with a warning containing the actions that need to be undertaken. 


Publication of the journal

The journal is published in printed and electronic form. The electronic version is available at the web addresses: and


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